men in workshopmen in workshop




Guilds: London... England... Europe...

Friday 31 October - Saturday 1 November 2003

Room 329, Third Floor
Senate House
Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Exploring the history of Europe's guilds and livery companies from 1000 to 1900

Conference Committee: Dr I.A. Gadd, Dr M. Davies, Professor D. Keene, Dr P. Wallis

Booking information and form

Also available for download in pdf format: conference poster and leaflet


Friday 31 October 2003

13.30   Registration and Coffee

14.00   Session 1: cultural identities & practices

    Margaret Pelling (University of Oxford)
    Solidarity or individualism: the Barber-Surgeons’ Company and the Henchman-Barber in Early Modern London
    Catherine Tite (Henry Moore Foundation UK)
    The Painter Stainers’ Company and the Dutch and Flemish Diaspora in late 17th- and early 18th-century London
    Sigrid Wadauer (University of Vienna, Austria)
    Tramping within the context of old craft

15.30   Tea

16.00   Session 2: absences & weaknesses

    Brian Cowan (Yale University)
    Corporation without Guild: The trade identity of London coffeehouse-keepers, 1652-1750
    David Marsh (Birkbeck College, London)
    On the fringes in every sense: the Gardeners' Company of London in the 17th century

17.00   Break

17.15   Keynote — Professor Derek Keene (University of London)
                The early history of English urban guilds: an underappreciated story?

18.45   Conference Reception at Merchant Taylors’ Hall (30 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R)

The Merchant Taylors’ Company is one of the Twelve Great City Livery Companies. A Hall has existed on this site since the 1340s. Thanks to the generosity of the Company, the conference reception will be held in the splendid surroundings of the oak-panelled Parlour, which was built in 1681-2.


Saturday 1 November 2003

09.30   Arrival

09.40   Keynote — Professor S.R. Epstein (London School of Economics)
              Transmitting craft knowledge in premodern Europe

10.40   Coffee

11.00   Session 3: guild economics

    Bert de Munck (Free University of Brussels (VUB))
    Conventions and apprenticeships: the ‘embeddedness’ of markets versus ‘enlightened’ views on guilds
    Johan Dambruyne (Ghent University)
    Representation and investment strategies in the early modern guild world: a comparison between the south and the north of the Low Countries
   Lars Edgren (University of Lund)
    What did a guild do? Swedish guilds in the 18th and early 20th century

12.30   Lunch

13.30   Keynote — Professor Carlo Poni (University of Bologna)
              Guilds: the work of work. Formal knowledge and practical ability in Diderot's Encyclopedie

14.30   Session 4: prayer & power

    Gary Richardson (University of California)
    Craft and Christianity in Late Medieval England: A Pious and Profitable Mystery
    Gervase Rosser (University of Oxford)
    Big Brotherhood: the guild in urban politics

15.30 Tea

15.50   Session 5: post-1750 perspectives

    Malcolm Chase (University of Leeds)
    ‘A sort of Corporation (tho’ without a charter)’: the guild tradition and the emergence of British trade unionism
    Philippe Minard (University of Lille-3)
    Trade without institution? French debates about restoring guilds in the beginning of the 19th century
    George Sheridan (University of Oregon)
    Craft technique and guild ethos in modern artisan industry: the case of the silk weavers of Lyon, c.1800-1880

17.20   Conference ends


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Last updated: 10 November, 2006