The Seminar on Metropolitan History is held in the Autumn and Spring Terms. The programme for 2005-6 is given below. Proposals for papers, or for themes to be pursued, are welcomed. Please submit them to

The Seminar on Medieval and Tudor London History is held weekly during the Summer Term. For further details and a programme for this seminar, please contact Dr Vanessa Harding at Birkbeck College. Email:

Both the Metropolitan History and Medieval and Tudor London History seminars are part of a large and wide-ranging programme of regular seminars held at the Institute of Historical Research. A full list is available on the Institute's website.


Convenors: Dr Matthew Davies, Dr Richard Dennis, Professor Derek Keene, Dr Patrick Wallis

Alternate Wednesdays at 5.30 pm
in the Pollard Room, First Floor
Institute of Historical Research
Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Autumn Term 2005

12 October No meeting
Please note: All are welcome at the British History in the Long Eighteenth Century seminar (Wolfson Room, IHR, 5.15 pm) for Dr David Green's paper on 'Pauper Protests: power and resistance in early nineteenth-century London workhouses' [Further information]
26 October Leonard Schwarz, Jeremy Boulton, John Black and Peter Jones (Birmingham and Newcastle)
The Poor in Westminster, 1725-1825: the feminisation of poverty?
9 November Kate Bradley (CCBH)
Growing up with a City: urban youth in London and Chicago 1880-1950
23 November Luke McKernan (Birkbeck and British Universities Film & Video Council)
Diverting Time: London cinemas and their audiences, 1906-1914
7 December Tim Strangleman and Bridget Henderson (London Metropolitan University)
Guinness was good for us: London, labour and stout, 1935-2005

Spring Term 2006

18 January Barry Venning (Open University)
Turner's London
1 February John Chalcraft (LSE)
The road to Beirut: Syrian migrant labour in Lebanon since 1945 and the politics of disposable labour
15 February

Simon Dixon (Devon Record Office/University of Exeter)
Quakers and the London parish, 1670-1720

1 March Katia Pizzi (Institute of Romance and Germanic Studies)
The pasts and futures of a liminal metropolis: Trieste, 1910-90
15 March

Georg Leidenberger (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco, México)
Tramways and the emergence of modern Mexico City, 1880-1950

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