People in Place: families, households and housing in early modern London, 1550-1720

People in Place image

The project was a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London; the Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research, University of London; and the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge. The project's co-directors  were Professor Vanessa Harding (Birkbeck), Professor Matthew Davies (Centre for Metropolitan History), and Professor Richard Smith (Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure). The research team comprised Dr Mark Merry, Mr Phil Baker, and Ms Gill Newton, with assistance from Ms Olwen Myhill, Administrator at the Centre for Metropolitan History. The project received administrative support from Birkbeck, the Institute of Historical Research, and the University of Cambridge.

The project has its own dedicated website, which is available here.

A summary of the grant application, and end-of-year and end-of-project reports to AHRC are available at SAS Space.

Funded by: Arts and Humanities Research Council (ref. RG/AN4417/APN16429) from 2003 to 2006. An additional 'dissemination' grant from AHRC funded work on the website and an illustrated booklet.