British History in the Long 18th Century

Archived podcasts from the IHR's British History in the Long 18th Century seminar series
7 Nov 2012
What's in a Name?: The 'Conversation' Piece in Eighteenth-Century Britain
Kate Retford (Birkbeck, University of London)
24 Oct 2012
Profiling Irish Crime in London, 1801-1820
Adam Crymble (King’s College, London University)
21 Mar 2012
'Love, bitter wrong, freedom, sad pity, and lust of power': Politics and Performance in 1820
Malcolm Chase (University of Leeds)
7 Mar 2012
Neutral nobility to contentious aristocracy; Changing terms in testing times, 1700-1850
Amanda Goodrich (Open University)
22 Feb 2012
Antislavery and empire: The imperial context of British Abolitionism, c.1783-1793
Matthew Wyman-McCarty (McGill)
8 Feb 2012
'Rusty old Queen Anne's many suitors': Firearms and inter-communal violence in Armagh, 1783-1790
Stephen Duane Dean jr (King’s College London)
11 Jan 2012
Eighteenth-century histories of Norwich and the political vernacular
Daniel Howse (University of East Anglia)
19 Oct 2011
Chancery Lane: politics, space and the built environment, c.1760-1815
Francis Boorman (IHR)
5 Oct 2011
Rethinking the interests of eighteenth-century Britain
Julian Hoppit (University College London)
21 Jun 2011
Scottish townscapes and 'improvement' in the age of enlightenment c. 1720-1820
Bob Harris (Worcester College, Oxford)
7 May 2011
A Quaker convert and the writing of fiction: the case of Amelia Opie
Isabelle Cosgrave (Exeter University)
29 Mar 2011
Ephemeral Lives: On writing a ticket-centred history of 18th-century Britain
Sarah Lloyd
2 Mar 2011
Ecclesiastical Property: Social, Economic and Religious history? The Church and English social history, 1730-1800
Daniel Cummins (University of Reading)
19 Jan 2011
Pitt and the poor laws: government and the politics of social policy in the 1790s
Joanna Innes (Somerville College, Oxford)
22 Jun 2010
Britain's Lost Revolution: Remembering the Gordon Riots on their 230th Anniversary
Ian Haywood (Roehampton University), Tim Hitchcock (University of Hertfordshire), John Seed (Roehampton University), Matthew White (University of Hertfordshire)
25 May 2010
The Origins of a Coming Ideal: Meritocracy in Britain 1750-1850
Penelope J. Corfield (Emeritus Professor)