‘Where do we fit in?’ Black and Asian British History on the Curriculum

Afua Hirsch, Dr Jonathan Saha, Professor Claire Alexander, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan, Professor Hakim Adi, Dr Nick Dennis, Caleb Femi, Momtaza Mehri, and Hannah Lowe
4 December 2018

This event brings together scholars, artists and activists to discuss the presence and absence of black and minority ethnic Britons on the UK’s National Curriculum and seeks to celebrate the contributions of Britons, of all backgrounds, to the history of the United Kingdom. A panel of contributors discusses ways that BME British experiences have been marginalised from the histories taught in schools, and how teachers, scholars, community leaders, and politicians can work to ensure that these stories and experiences are taught and understood as British History. How can we make the teaching of history more inclusive and less Eurocentric? Is it time to teach the British movement for civil rights? What are the implications of the ways we teach and understand British history for public history, memory and policy making?

Rather than following a standard panel format, this event  also includes space for the audience to experience black and Asian British cultural contributions. The evening includes special contributions by poets and performers, including Momtaza Mehri, the Young People’s Laureate for London, and Hannah Lowe.

Confirmed panellists include Afua Hirsch, broadcaster and author of Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging, Dr Jonathan Saha (Leeds), co-author of the Royal Historical Society’s Race, Ethnicity & Equality Report, Professor Claire Alexander (Manchester), project leader of Our Migration Story, Suhaiyma Manzoor-Khan, poet and writer, and Professor Hakim Adi (Chichester, leader of History Matters group.)

This event is presented in partnership by the Runnymede Trust and the Institute of Historical Research.


Welcome and Introduction from Professor Jo Fox, Director of the IHR.
Poetry reading by Momtaza Mehri, Youth Laureate for London.
Panel discussion with Afua Hirsch, Hakim Adi, Jonathan Saha, Claire Alexander, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan and Nick Dennis.
Chaired by Malachi McIntosh
Q&A with audience.
Poetry readings and free-form reflections/responses by Hannah Lowe, Caleb Femi, Suhaiymah Manzoor-Khan and Momtaza Mehri.

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