Embrace is not only a well-written and thoroughly documented
book but also a necessary and vital contribution to the study of
the turbulent and often violent first four decades of twentieth
century Spain. Not surprisingly, in a country whose political destiny
has unfortunately been determined far too often by praetorian intervention,
there is a rich scholarly literature on the Spanish armed forces.
There also exists a vast number of studies on the colonial wars
of the last quarter of the nineteenth century, in particular the
origins and aftermath of the disaster of 1898. By contrast, the
subsequent brutal and last imperialist adventure in Morocco, and
more specifically the Army of Africa, has traditionally been overlooked.
Furthermore, the objectives of the previous vital works on the
question of the military and Morocco have been radically different
to those of the present book under review.
Joan Connelly Ullmans The Tragic Week
(Harvard University Press; Cambridge, MA, 1968) remains the ultimate
study of popular insurrection, that of 1909, against involvement
in a new colonial enterprise. Yet its object was not so much Morocco
itself but the linkage between anti-clericalism and anti-militarism
as early forms of protests against the ruling oligarchic regime.
Equally, Caroline P. Boyds Praetorian Politics in Liberal
Spain (University of North Carolina Press; Chapel Hill, 1979)
was above all a lucid analysis of the division within the armed
forces, caused to a large extent by the war in Morocco from the
outbreak of the Great War to the coup of Primo de Rivera in 1923.
Again, the focus was on mainland Spain, examining the parallel
process between the crisis of the ruling system and the increasing
intervention of the military in politics. Recent works by Spanish
historians such as Pablo La Portes La Atracción
del Imán (Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, SL; Madrid, 2001)
and Juan Pandos La Secreta Historia de Annual (Temas
de Hoy; Madrid, 1999) are welcome analyses of the major
defeat of the Spanish army in Morocco in 1921. However, Deadly
Embrace represents an altogether new fascinating endeavour:
the study of an interventionist military elite through the experience
of war in Morocco. The outcome is an illuminating analysis of the
creation of a new caste of army officers who came to embody a growing
colonial identity at odds with the metropolis that finally led
to the rebellion of 1936. This book provides a valid model with
which to understand the mentality and ideology of the colonial
corps and its potentially destabilising role when confronted by
metropolitan administrations.
Paradoxically, after his last work, the End
of the Spanish Empire, 1898-1923 (Clarendon Press; Oxford,
1997), a study of the impact of the colonial disaster and loss
of the overseas territories, Balfour now concentrates on the new
domains acquired in Africa, at the start of the twentieth century.
Divided into three parts, starting with The Colonial Embrace,
he examines the first three decades of colonial experience in Morocco.
Following the disaster of 1898, Spain consolidated
through diplomatic negotiations with the two large colonial powers,
Britain and France, a few footholds in Africa. They included Guinea,
Western Sahara and a strip of land in northern Morocco surrounding
the two traditional Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. As Balfour
correctly explains, the combination of business lobbies eager to
exploit the mining resources of the area with the imperialist dreams
of a group of politicians and the armys hope to recover its
lost prestige, all with the full backing of the new King, Alfonso
XIII, resulted in the country slowly sinking into a new adventure
for which it was not prepared. Ironically, Spain was largely a
victim of the increasing competition between the European powers.
She secured approval to exert control of northern Morocco due to
the fact that Britain needed a buffer against French expansion
towards the coast opposite to Gibraltar (p. 5).
In fact, in comparison to French Morocco, Spain
was allocated not only a relatively small area but also one characterized
by arid and infertile terrain and inhabited by a rebellious and
indomitable population. Indeed, everything went downhill from 1909.
The complex existing rivalries, combined with the penetration of
European capital, resulted in localized clashes and eventually
to a full-scale rebellion that was to last for almost twenty years.
At a peninsular level, the effects were extremely significant.
Labour unrest and anger against the regime intensified. With still-fresh
memories of 1898, the call-up of working class reservists to become
the cannon folder of new imperialist ambitions was greeted with
riots that reached their peak during the so-called 'Tragic Week'
of Barcelona in the summer of 1909. With growing popular turmoil
and the emergence of regional nationalism, the military were needed
increasingly to act as the praetorian guard of the ruling social
order. At the same time, a new generation of young and dynamic
officers soon known as Africanistas saw the opportunity
to bypass the bureaucratic scale of the inflated army corps to
obtain quick promotion by showing merit on the Moroccan battlefield.
Yet the royal favouritism, nepotism and corruption with which medals
and honours were awarded to these officers angered those in mainland
Spain. It marked the beginning of internal fissures within an alienated
and embittered army. Finally, as the Moroccan campaigns became
an endless nightmare for distinct Spanish governments, aware of
the unpopularity at home, they persistently underfunded and practically
concealed them from public scrutiny.
Balfour could have explored more in depth the
crucial years of the Great War. This was, after all, the moment
in which peninsular officers badly hurt by wartime inflation formed
the so-called Juntas Militares de Defensa: a sort
of military trades unions, whose objectives included the re-imposition
of a closed-scale system of promotion in detriment to their fellow
Africanistas. The refusal of these Junteros to disband
in June 1917 galvanized the reformist forces in the country to
launch a revolutionary strike. Won over by last-minute concessions,
the Junteros crushed with ferocity the revolution and temporarily
saved an ailing regime. However, as social discontent and political
turmoil continued unabated, the armed forces were increasingly
called upon to bail out a discredited regime. The downward spiral
of violence and repression effectively ended with the army take-over
in September 1923. In Morocco, the First World War saw German secret
agents seeking to incite an insurrection against the French administration.
In fact, it also fuelled the rebellious spirit of many Moroccans
in the Spanish zone. One of them, Abdel Krim turned during these
years from collaboration with Spain to lead the forces that inflicted
on the Army of Africa its worst defeat, Annual.
Balfour explains coherently the causes and aftermath
of Annual, the catastrophe in which during a few weeks of the summer
of 1921, thousands of Spanish troops were massacred or captured
by the rebel Moroccans. It shocked the country and in a way was
the last nail in the coffin of the ailing liberal regime. As the
author explains, if not a disaster foretold, it could have been
prevented at the very least. The inadequacy of the budget allocated
to this campaign and lack of investment to buy the loyalty of the
natives were important. But above all the military incompetence
of adventurous generals such as Silvestre, the Commander-in-Chief
of the troops in Annual, proved decisive. Yet out of the ashes
of Annual a new colonial army began to be forged that had revenge
as its fundamental motive power (p. 83). For the next six years,
as weak governments lacking a clear strategy for Morocco succeeded
each other and eventually the liberal order gave way to a dictatorship
whose leader, General Miguel Primo de Rivera, was well known for
his abandonista views, the Army of Africa came of age. Their
sense of elitism and disdain for both governments and armed forces
in the peninsula led them to view themselves as the vanguard of
a new race of conquerors and heroes. Thus, scorn for governments
of any leaning in Madrid and the practice of horrifying, brutal
methods to quell dissent amongst the native population were the
formative values of the Africanistas. When in 1927 the Moroccan
campaign had been completed with success, a violent but highly
efficient corps of ambitious army officers reached the peak of
their glory. With their active service all but over, their mentality
was bound to clash with the governing classes back at home. This
was particularly glaring when a reformist and modernizing Second
Republic was proclaimed in 1931.
The central section, tellingly called 'The Brutalization
of Colonial War, is the essential part of this book. Balfour
abandons the chronological narrative to produce a superbly written
and powerfully argued wide-ranging series of thematic chapters.
First of all, he offers an eloquent view of the use of chemical
warfare in the Moroccan campaigns. Angel Viñas in his excellent
Franco, Hitler y el Estallido de la Guerra Civil (Alianza;
Madrid, 2001), has already advanced this argument. Yet the concern
of this author was, above all, to trace the collaboration between
Spanish and German army officers up to the outbreak of the civil
war. By contrast, Balfour provides a convincing analysis of chemical
weapons as an instrument in the offensive to quell rebellion in
Morocco. After Annual, they became a key element in the arsenal
of the Army of Africa. The desire to punish the recalcitrant natives,
added to the low cost of production and the possible savings in
terms of manpower was something that united King, abandonistas
like Primo and Africanistas. Its widespread use was
not as secret as sometimes this book seems to imply. Yet Balfours
as well as Viñas previously great merit is to bring
into academic scrutiny an element of Spanish warfare that had been
traditionally overlooked. Furthermore, as Deadly Embrace insists,
it was an important step in the formative descent into dehumanization
and brutality of the Army of Africa. As Africanistas would
claim, it was the regrettable but necessary corollary of civilization
(p. 136).
The next chapters are of great quality. Here
Balfour investigates the cultural background and conditions in
which the Army of Africa was raised. It deals, firstly, with the
widening gap between the mentality and values of Junteros and
Africanistas that would ultimately prove irreconcilable.
An antipathy would remain through to the civil war and would play
a part in the support given by leading Junteros to the Republic,
when the bulk of the Africanistas rose in revolt in 1936
(p. 168). In the remaining chapters, Deadly Embrace offers
a fascinating contrast between the experiences of soldiers and
officers. Balfour portrays convincingly the quasi-surreal world
dominated by terror, alienation, corruption and unabated warfare
which the Army of Africa inhabited. For the recruits, Morocco was
a meaningless nightmare in which fear for their lives, anxiety
to return home and appalling living conditions went together. However,
for the Africanista officers of either the native-led troops
or Regulares and the Foreign Legion, the Moroccan campaigns
became the crucial part of their upbringing. Indeed, most Africanistas
would have subscribed to Francos words: 'Without Africa,
I can scarcely explain myself.
Amongst the Africanistas existed a minority
of enlightened officers interested in embracing the Arabic culture
and winning over the natives. Yet for the majority, their African
experience was a schooling in which they embraced a core ideology
of brutality, sacrifice and discipline. The best exponent was the
Foreign Legion. Created by the brutal Millán Astray, Franco
and the best-known Africanistas served in its ranks. Under
the motto Bridegrooms of Death, the Foreign Legion
blended Prussian militarism with the Japanese Bushido code
of violence, abnegation, elitism and honour. Thus, they regarded
themselves as the saviours of a decadent Spain, the expression
of an extreme form of nationalism in which the ultimate goal was
glory or death. In this process of legitimization of repression,
the natives were seen as the archetypal 'other': primitive, fanatic
and backward, who ought therefore to be crushed.
The concluding part examines the 1930s, the tragic
period that encompassed the proclamation of the Second Republic
and the civil war. Deadly Embrace illustrates how the Army
of Africa played a central role in the unfolding of the dramatic
events. In their distorted view of nationalism, their role as saviours
of the motherland was now manipulated. The Moorish 'other' was
no longer the enemy, but the 'reds', masons and separatists who
had captured the government of the country.
The establishment of a new republican regime
brought a new governing class. Inspired by ideals of modernization,
the new administration introduced wide-ranging reforms that threatened
the vested interests, no less the armed forces. The Republics
strongman Manuel Azaña, the Prime Minister who was also
in charge of the War Department, would become the bête
noire. Military measures that included the promotion of loyal
officers, mostly Junteros, the freezing and review of the
awards and promotions conceded during the last Moroccan campaigns,
and the opening of new judicial enquiries into the disaster of
Annual, confirmed the anti-republican instincts of the colonial
corps. Thus, Africanista officers were at the centre of
the reactionary conspiracy to overthrow the new regime. One of
them, General Sanjurjo, staged an ill-fated rebellion in August
1932. Yet a year later the political pendulum was to swing the
other way, as right-wing parties emerged victorious in the elections
of November. The repression of the revolutionary movement of October
1934 then became a dress rehearsal for the horrors of the civil
war. With martial law declared, power rested officially in the
hands of the War Minister, Diego Hidalgo. In effect, General Franco,
his technical adviser, was the one in charge. His dispatch of units
of Legionnaires and Moors to crush the Asturian miners represented
the crossing of the Rubicon. The great paradox was that Muslim
mercenaries were employed to suppress, with unprecedented levels
of brutality, Spaniards in Asturias, the cradle of the Spanish
Christian Reconquista in medieval times. When two years
later, a left-wing swing brought the Popular Front to power, the
die was cast. Africanista officers began to plot in earnest
the destruction of the Republic.
Deadly Embraces final chapter is
entitled 'The Reconquest of Spain. Although too short for
the crucial three years it narrates, it is a powerful recollection
of the crucial role played by the Army of Africa. Ironically, General
Mola and the other Africanista conspirators, confident in
the rapid success of a military coup, assigned the colonial army
initially only a passive role. Yet this all changed when the insurrection
failed in the capital and the most important urban and industrial
centres of mainland Spain. As the partially botched rebellion gave
way to a cruel civil war, the Army of Africa became the most important
asset of the insurgents. With the blessing of the Catholic Church
and the people of order, the discourse of the 'other' was finally
reshaped. Messianic zeal, nationalism and myth came together to
justify the savagery of the colonial shock troops let loose in
the country. The cleansing and brutal methods of warfare previously
used to subjugate the natives became now commonplace on the mainland.
By 1939, the Africanistas had succeeded in their mission
of 'saving Spain. Yet the bloodbath and repression was far
from over. One of the Africanistas, General Franco, was
to rule the country for almost 40 years. Spain herself had become
a colony.
August 2002