Comparative Metropolitan History

Comparative Metropolitan History screenshot

Since October 2001, the Leverhulme Trust has provided support for comparative metropolitan history at the CMH. This funding includes a chair in Comparative Metropolitan History, a postdoctoral fellowship, a postgraduate studentship, lectures and conferences.

The programme promotes an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas concerning wide-ranging themes in the history of metropolises in all parts of the world and at all periods. These themes include: examination over the long term of London's relationship to the state, from a comparative perspective; European cities as sites of cultural exchange between 1400 and 1700; comparison between London and Japanese metropolises; and the characteristics of 'imperial cities'.

Other research undertaken concerns comparisons between Berlin, London, Coventry and Dresden in the politics of remembrance and reconstrcution, 1940-2005; the cultural significance of Rome and London in comparative perspective, circa 1890 to 1930; and a study of the underground systems of London and Paris.


CMH Annual Reports 2000-2, 2002-3, 2003-4, 2004-5, 2005-6, 2006-7

See also Coventry and Dresden after 1940/45