Bibliography of printed works on London history to 1939 and supplement

Cover of Bibliograph of printed works on London history to 1939

The bibliography, undertaken in co-operation with the Guildhall Library, comprises selected works published to the end of 1990. The supplement continues the work of the volume published in 1994, adding material published since 1991. The bibliography was incorporated into London's past online in May 2002.


Heather Creaton with H. Hiramatsu, Igirisu ho shi shiryo [Guide to the study of English Legal History] (tokyo, 1989); Tony Trowles, 'List of periodical articles on London history, 1990', The London Journal, 16, no. 2 (1991), 180-191; Heather Creaton and Jeremy Gibson (eds.), Lists of Londoners (Federation of Family History Societies, 1992, 2nd edn. 1997); Heather Creaton, 'A local history database: the bibliography of printed works on London history', (Aslib Social Sciences Information Journal) XI no. 1 (1993), 22-4; Heather Creaton, Bibliography of Printed Works on London History to 1939 (Library Association Publishing, 1994); Heather Creaton, London (World Bibliographical Series, 189; Clio Press, 1996); Heather Creaton, 'Sources for London History: an Introductory Guide', in P. Garside (ed.), Capital Histories: a Bibliographical Study of London (Aldershot, 1998), 1-4.


CMH Annual Reports 1988-9, 1989-90, 1990-1, 1991-2, 1992-3, 1993-4, 1994-5, 1995-6, 1996-7, 1997-8, Tenth Anniversary Conference paper, 1998-9, 1999-2000

Project details

Editor: Heather Creaton, B.A., M.Phil., A.L.A.
Research Assistant: Tony Trowles, B.A., D.Phil.
Funded by: ESRC (Ref: R000231020 and R000232425), Corporation of London, English Heritage, Society of Antiquaries (1 October 1988-31 July 1992)
Amount Awarded: £79,160