A checklist of unpublished London diaries

Extract from a diary

Unpublished diaries often contain useful information about London life. This guide attempts to list as many as possible, of all periods, that survive in the record offices, libraries and private lands in the country and abroad. It will be indexed by author, place and subject. The checklist was published by the London Record Society in 2003.


Heather Creaton, 'Checklist of unpublished London diaries', London Topographical Society Newsletter, No. 47 (1998), p. 8. Heather Creaton, Unpublished London Diaries. A Checklist of Unpublished Diaries by Londoners and Visitors with a Select Bibliography of Published Diaries (London Record Society Publications, Volume 37, 2003; now published by Boydell & Brewer) - also available, free, on British History Online.


CMH Annual Reports 1997-8, Tenth Anniversary Conference paper, 1998-9, 1999-2000, 2000-2, 2002-3

Project details

Editor: Heather Creaton, B.A., M.Phil., A.L.A.