British and Irish Furniture Makers Online

British and Irish Furniture Makers Online (BIFMO) is a searchable and freely accessible online database, comprising the Dictionary of English Furniture Makers, 1660-1840, and London Joiners’ Company apprenticeship bindings and freedom admissions, 1640-1720. A collaboration between the Furniture History Society (FHS) and the Institute of Historical Research (IHR), the first phase of this project has developed the database thanks to generous funding from the Furniture History Society and its membership.
BIFMO is a long-term project in its earliest stages, but it aims to be the most comprehensive resource for the history of the British and Irish furniture trade. Currently the database only includes information on English furniture makers, but Scottish, Welsh and Irish makers will be incorporated into the database as the project progresses and the date parameters will be expanded to run from 1600 to the present day.