
Histore stands for Historians' Online Research Environments. This project aims to encourage historians to make greater use of online research tools and to empower them to request appropriate tools for their institutions' own Virtual Research Environments (VREs).
The IHR has been monitoring the use of digital tools for teaching and research since 2002. We have consistently found that use of online research tools is low, and that this is largely because of lack of awareness, not active resistance.
Histore will have two phases, both of which will address this low take-up and awareness. First the IHR will carry out a tools audit, which will make available on our History Online site a useful summary of many of the tools currently available, with advice about their features and advantages. Secondly the IHR will develop two free online training modules; these modules will give historians a greater sense of what is appropriate to their research, and give them the knowledge they need so that they can ask the managers of their own institutional VREs to make the right tools available.
JISC inspires UK colleges and universities in the innovative use of digital technologies,
helping to maintain the UK’s position as a global leader in education.