History in Education

The History in Education website was created to enable all those interested in history in schools to access the materials generated by the History in Education project. The state of school history in England continues to be a vibrant and fiercely-argued topic of debate, not only amongst academics and researchers, but also in the media and amongst the wider public.
The research for the Project produced new original evidence about the development of history teaching in England over the past 80 or so years, which is accessible in this part of the site, including:
- Teacher and Student surveys, representing a large reservior of first-hand testimony about the teaching of history, from all age groups and from across the country.
- Audio interviews representing a broader range of data about history education, including secretaries of state, curriculum innovators, teacher trainers, examiners and inspectors, as well teachers and pupils.
- The history school work has come about from survey respondents. Each person's school work has been photographed as a collection with each book or project provided as a separate pdf file.
- Finally, there are some statistics on examinations and syllabuses which were gathered for the research.
It is hoped that the website will assist the debate by providing sound historical evidence and well-informed reflections on the issues.
Additionally, the website utilises SAS-Space, the School of Advanced Study's institutional repository, as a solution for data management and preservation. The collection of interviews and digitised samples of schoolwork can be accessed via the project site or via the whole collection directly.