Voluntary Action History

Archived podcasts from the IHR's Voluntary Action History seminar series
14 Feb 2011
Gay NGOs and the formation of a 'gay community' in England, 1967-1985
Charles Smith (University of Loughborough)
6 Dec 2010
The Myth of the 1950s Housewife: Voluntary women's organisations and the challenge to idealised domesticity in post war Britain
Caitriona Beaumont (London South Bank University)
22 Nov 2010
Following 'The Absent-minded Beggar': a case-history of a fund-raising campaign of the South African War
Dr John Lee (University of Bristol)
24 Oct 2010
The geography of the matter: transnationalism and interwar British women's philanthropy
Eve Colpus (University of Oxford)
20 Jun 2010
To Create Community: Some Contrasting Interwar Initiatives in the UK
Lesley Hall (Wellcome Library, London)
23 May 2010
Making the English Patient (Consumer): Patient Groups and Health Consumerism, 1960s-2000s
Alex Mold (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
25 Apr 2010
Returned Volunteer Action from 1966 to 2006: an assessment of the life cycle of the fly in the ointment of the British Returner Volunteer Programme
Stephen Butters (former trustee of the RVA)
22 Mar 2010
The Culture and Politics of Hospital Contributory Schemes
Barry Doyle (University of Huddersfield)
23 Jan 2010
Special Seminar Commemorating a Century of Councils for Voluntary Service
Keith Laybourn (University of Huddersfield); Colin Rochester (Roehampton University); Oliver Blaiklock (IHR); John Lansley (former employee of the LCVS)
7 Dec 2009
Other Times, Other Places: Parallels from Historical Research and International Practice
Georgina Brewis (Institute for Volunteering Research) and John Hailey (City University)
23 Nov 2009
Fashioning Mothers of the Next Generation: Philanthropy in Birmingham and Sydney, 1860-1914
Elizabeth Harvey (UCL)
27 Sep 2009
The First Lady Almoner: The Appointment, Position and Findings of Miss Mary Stewart at the Royal Free Hospital, 1895-1899
Lynsey Cullen (Oxford Brookes University)