These interviews contain the views of eminent historians on the evolution of the discipline from the perspective of their own fields and interests. It should be noted that these views are those of the individuals themselves, and should not be seen as representative of those of the IHR as an organisation, nor does the IHR accept liability for any obscene or libellous material that these interviews may contain.
They focus on changes in the practice and profession of history, as well as on the rise and decline of different methods and approaches, as observed over each historian’s career/lifetime. As such they differ from the IHR’s ‘Interviews with Historians’ series in being less focused on the historian themselves and more on their views of the profession as they have experienced it.
Each interview is available in audio and transcript form (though as the syntax of the transcripts has been tidied for ease of comprehension the two do not always directly correlate), and in addition the responses of different historians to similar questions have been collated (forthcoming).