Though prior to the 1960s little attention had been paid to the history of British black people, the immigration-fuelled expansion of the back community led to much greater interest in their forerunners in the 18th and 19th centuries. Inevitably much work on black history has focused on the slave trade, while there have also been efforts to recover and depict black historical figures.
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Hakim Adi, West Africans in Britain 1900–1960: Nationalism, Pan-Africanism, Communism (London, 1998)
Hakim Adi and M. Sherwood, The 1945 Manchester Pan-African Congress Revisited (London, 1995)
Stephen Bourne, Black in the British Frame: Black people in British Film and Television (London, 1998)
Ben Bousquet and C. Douglas, West Indian Women at War (London, 1991)
Yousuf Chouhury, The Roots and Tales of the Bangladeshi Settlers (Birmingham, 1993)
David Dabydeen, Hogarth’s Blacks: Images of Blacks in 18th-century English Art (Manchester, 1987)
Basil Davidson, Africa in History (Revised ed., London, 1992)*
Black Writers in Britain 1760–1890, ed. P. Edwards and D. Dabydeen (Edinburgh, 1991)
Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Narrative and Other Writings (London, 1997)
Michael Fisher, The First Indian Author in English (Oxford, 1996)
Peter Fryer, Staying Power: the History of Black People in Britain (London, 1984)*
Gretchen Gerzina, Black Victorians/Black Victoriana (Piscataway, NJ, 2003)
Paul Gilroy, There Ain't No Black in the Union Jack: the Cultural Politics of Race and Nation (London, 2002)
Paul Gilroy and Stuart Hall, Black Britain: a Photographic History (London, 2007)
J. Green, Black Edwardians: Black People in Britain 1901–1914 (London, 1998)
Martin Hoyles, Ira Aldridge: Celebrated 19th Century Actor (Hertford, 2007)
D. A. Lorimer, Colour, Class and the Victorians (Leicester, 1978)
Ernest Marke, In Troubled Waters: Memoirs of Seventy Years in England (London, 1986)
E. M. Noble, Jamaica Airman: a Black Airman in Britain in 1943 and after (London, 1985)
Omar Ralph, Naoroji: the First Asian MP (Hertford, 1997)
West Indian Intellecturals in Britain, ed. Bill Schwartz (Manchester, 2003)
Mary Seacole, The Wonderful Adventures of Mary Seacole in Many Lands (Bristol, 1984)
Marika Sherwood, Many Struggles: West Indian Workers and Service Personnel in Britain 1939–45 (London, 1985)
Marika Sherwood, Pastor Daniels Ekarte and the African Churches Mission (London, 1994)
Marika Sherwood, Claudia Jones: a Life in Exile (London, 2000)
Marika Sherwood, After Abolition (London, 2007)
Kim Sherwood and Marika Sherwood, Britain, the Slave trade and Slavery from 1562 to the 1880s (London, 2007)
Gurpal Sing and Darshan Singh Tatla, Sikhs in Britain: the Making of a Community (London, 2006)
Folarin Shyllon, Black People in Britain 1555–1833 (Oxford, 1977)
Phil Vasili, The First Black Footballer: Arthur Wharton 1865–1930 (London, 1998)
Phil Vasili, Colouring over the White Line: History of Black Footballers in Britain (Edinburgh, 2000)
Rozina Visram, Asians in Britain (London, 2002)*
Hazel Waters, Racism on the Victorian Stage (Cambridge, 2007)
* in constant reprint