- Abolition200: detailing the events organised for the bicentenary of the Abolition Act
- American Historical Association: Resource site for historians.
- Anti-Slavery International: Campaign group involved in museum displays.
- The Amazing Change: Wilberforce-inspired organisation seeking to end modern slavery.
- BBC Abolition: Website from the British Broadcasting Corporation commemorating
the passing of the abolition act of 1807
- Black History 4 Schools: educational resource for teachers concerned with the history of Black and Asian British history in school.
- Breaking the Silence: educational resource for teachers concerned with the history of the enslavement of Africa.
- Channel 4 Abolition: Broadcaster's website in response to the bicentenary of the 1807
- Mémoire St Barth | Histoire de Saint-Barthélemy (Comité de Liaison et d'Application des Sources Historiques):
Educational resources website dedicated to the history of St. Barthélemy (FWI) and focusing on the slave trade, slavery and abolition and their impact on this island of the Lesser Antilles.
- DCMS Bicentenary of the Slave Trade: official government site listing the various bodies awarded funding for commemoration events.
- DirectGov - Reflecting on the past, looking to the future: official Government site regarding the bicentenary of the slave trade.
- English Heritage: Detailing the organisations responses to the bicentenary of the
abolition of the slave trade.
- Evangelical Alliance: Christian group promoting the work of evangelicals in securing
the Abolition Act of 1807.
- Equiano Project: site dedicated to preserving and celebrating the memory of the
author and abolitionist Olaudah Equiano.
- Free the Slaves: campaign group involved in museum displays.
- Gilder Lehrman Centre: Yale research institute dedicated to the investigation and dissemination of knowledge regarding slavery and abolition.
- Harriet Tubman Institute: Institute concerned with promoting understanding of the history of slavery and its legacy.
- HLF: Heritage Lottery Fund website detailing the awards given for events marking
- ItzCaribbean: website for the Caribbean community in London.
- John Newton Project: promoting the history and work of John Newton.
- Leeds Bicentenary Transformation Project: community project aiming to bring
people together to understand enslavement and abolition.
- Ligali: an organisation devoted to the cause of Pan-Africanism and the campaign for the rights of African British people.
- MAYC: Methodist youth group.
- The National Archives: online resource for researching the history of the abolition movement.
- National Trust: detailing the organisations responses to the bicentenary of the
abolition of the slave trade.
- Parliament: educational resource for the history of the British slave trade
- Quaker: website resource for those interested in the Quaker involvement in the
- Recovered Histories: Anti-Slavery International's digitised collections of of 18th and 19th century literature on the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
- Rendezvous of Victory: African-led, community based, voluntary organisation
dedicated to defending and upholding human rights.
- Revealing Histories: greater Manchester museums website detailing exhibitions concerning enslavement and abolition.
- Royal Navy and the Slave Trade: the Royal Navy's history regarding the abolition of the slave trade.
- Set All Free: a project initiated by the Churches Together organisation to commemorate the bicentenary of the Abolition Act.
- Slavery, Abolition and Emancipation: Brycchan Carey's online resource for the study
of enslavement and 18th century literature.
- Thomas Clarkson: society dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the work
of the abolitionist Thomas Clarkson.
- Transport and General Workers Union: the marking of 1807 by the Union.
- Understanding Slavery: a free resource for teachers and educators organising lessons for children on the history of enslavement and abolition.
- Wilberforce2007: anti-slavery organisation.
- Wilberforce Central: non-profit alliance which marks the bicentenary of the 1807 Act.
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