Issue No. 7 September 2004
Email: ihrcmh@sas.ac.uk
Welcome to the new issue of the Centre for Metropolitan Historys
periodic electronic newsletter. Our intention is to keep you informed about
the latest news from the Centre for Metropolitan History, other research centres
and local history societies, record offices and libraries which may be of
interest. Each item of news is brief but links are provided to sources where
fuller information is available.
The newsletter will only be sent to people who have asked to
receive it. To unsubscribe, to notify change of address, or to send items
of news for the next issue, please email ihrcmh@sas.ac.uk.
Back issues will be available at www.history.ac.uk/cmh/newsletter.html
Despite its title, the Metropolitan Catastrophes: Scenarios,
Experiences and Commemorations in the Era of Total War (12-13 July 2004)
conference was a great success. Organised by our Leverhulme Postdoctoral
Fellow, Stefan Goebel, it attracted a large, distinguished international
audience and stimulated much discussion on the cultural impact of war on
metropolises worldwide. Many also enjoyed the wartime delicacies of spam,
corned beef hash and rissoles at the conference reception - with thanks
to Irene Gilchrist for producing such a splendid spread. It is hoped to
publish a selection of the papers in due course. Sadly, Stefan is leaving
the Centre this month to take up a Lectureship at the University of Kent.
We wish him all the best for the next stage of his career and hope that
he will continue to stay in contact with the CMH.
- Thank you to everyone who completed the user survey on London's Past
Online (LPOL). It provided some very useful comments which will be used
to inform funding bids for stage 2 of the project. It was gratifying to see
that 94% of users rated the site as either 'good', 'very good' or 'excellent'.
As the first phase nears completion (30 September), there are currently some
40,000 bibliographical records available online. If funding applications are
successful, priority will be given to expanding the coverage of archaeological,
local and specialised material.
- The application for a new project entitled Poor relief in Greater London
from c.1540 to 1930: an online guide was submitted to the ESRC
in July. If the bid is successful, the project will provide a detailed, searchable
online guide to the extensive and widely scattered records, and an overview
history of London's distinctive experience of poor relief.
- A free 'study morning' on 'The Great Plague of London: experiences and
explanations' will be hosted at the Institute of Historical Research (Wolfson
Room) on 6 October 2004 by the CMH and the Wellcome Trust, in association
with Johns Hopkins University Press. Speakers will include A. Lloyd Moote
and Dorothy Moote, authors of The Great Plague: the Story of London's most
deadly year which has just been published by Johns Hopkins University
Press, Vanessa Harding (Birkbeck) and Patrick Wallis (LSE).
- As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the University of London's
School of Advanced Study in 2004-5, the IHR is organising two conferences.
The first of these, to be held on 12 November 2004 is on the theme 'Unleashing
the Archives' and organised jointly by Derek Keene and The National Archives.
The aim is to promote new thinking about the use and cultural significance
of archives.
- Over the next year, the staff of the Centre, with those of the Victoria
County History, will be busy setting up and publicising the new MA in Metropolitan
and Regional History which is expected to begin in October 2005. This
MA course takes as its guiding theme the variety and importance of the relationships
between metropolis and region from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries,
with a particular focus on London and southern England. The course will use
the continuous history of London and its surrounding territory over eight
centuries as a test bed for exploring important general, comparative, themes
in the evolution of regional and city cultes. The broader context will also
be significant, especially the growth of other regional capital and regional
identities in Britain and the development of cities and their regional contexts
on the continent. Further information will be provided in forthcoming newsletters.
- The National Maritime Museum and the Institute of Historical Research have
organised a series of eight lectures on Rediscovering Nelson, to be
given by leading scholars and writers in the Beveridge Hall, Senate House,
University of London in October 2004. The lectures will be held on Tuesdays
and Thursdays from 5 October to 28 October, from 18.30 to 19.30 and will be
followed by a wine reception.
- The Freedom of Information Seminar: The National Archives and the
Institute of Historical Research are running a one-day seminar on Freedom
of Information and Historians. This seminar will give historians an opportunity
to learn more about the Freedom of Information Act, which comes into force
on January 1 2005, and its potential impact on their work. The seminar will
be held on 3 November 2004 at Chancellor's Hall, Senate House, University
of London, Malet Street.
- The Penguin Press Lectures will this year be given by Richard Overy,
author of The Dictators. Hitlers Germany; Stalins Russia. The
lectures will be held from 2-11 November 2004 in the Beveridge Hall, Senate
House, University of London.
- 74th Anglo-American Conference: States and Empires (6-8 July 2005):
Call for papers. What are Empires? How do they relate to the States which
have often been their foundation and to the States which they incorporate
under their power? Are empires super-states? Do they crush existing states,
or do aspirations to nation states destroy empires? Can empires exist without
any state machinery at all? The vocabulary has existed in the western tradition
since classical times, but the variations in meaning and interpretation over
several millennia are almost infinite. Papers will be welcomed on a host of
themes. These might include: formal and informal empires; the relationship
of state and imperial structures; differences between empires constructed
through peaceful possession and conquest; the relationship of empires and
their component states and peoples; the rise and fall of empires; state and
imperial ideology; gender, state and empire; the economics of empire; religion,
state and empire; the art of empire; the place of minorities (ethnic, religious)
in empire compared to their place in nation-states, trading companies and
empires (e.g., the East India Company, American Corporations in South and
Central America); and the legacy of empire.
- The Institute of Historical Research has secured the AHRB's agreement to
hold a national one-day symposium on the current round of bids for Postgraduate
Research Training in History on 10 November 2004. The event will be held
at the IHR and will constitute a forum for the exchange of ideas on a subject
which is certain to be central to a British doctorate for years to come.
- For the first time ever, the Institute of Historical Research is holding
an Open Day on 9 December 2004. The aim of the Open Day is to display
London's research resources to students who are seriously considering undertaking
historical research, both those who intend to take or are taking a taught
Masters degree, and those who intend to proceed directly to a research degree.
The Colleges and Universities in and around London will participate along
with major libraries and archives.
- To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the beginning of the First World
War the Scottish Centre for War Studies is co-organising two conferences:
'Outbreak of War: New thoughts on 1914' will be held at Glasgow University
from 8-10 September 2004 and addresses the war's origins. 'Scottish Writers
and the First World War' follows on 11th September, again at Glasgow University.
It will explore how the war influenced some of Scotland's most famous writers'
lives and work and aims to appeal to both academics and the general public.
For further details on both conferences please visit http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/History/Warstud/html/conferences.htm
- The University of East Anglia is hosting a conference to mark the
850th anniversary of Henry II's accession to the English throne on 13-17 September
2004. For further information and the possibility of late registration please
contact the Research Administrator in the School of History.
- Birkbeck, University of London, Faculty of Continuing Education
is running a number of courses on the History of London. There are no entry
requirements but all courses are taught at university level and students should
be able to read, write and speak English fluently to benefit from their studies
Some of the courses on offer are: 'From Radicals to the Mayor of London: London's
Politics & Government', 'London Criminals' and 'The Making of Modern London,
c.1660-2000'. Further information on these, and other Birkbeck FCE History
courses, are available at: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/study/ce/history/
- Healthy Towns, Healthy Cities: Public Health in British Cities, 1844-2004
is the title of a one-day conference to be held at the London School of Hygiene
& Tropical Medicine on 12 November 2004. This conference, sponsored by
the Wellcome Trust and the Society for the Social History of Medicine commemorates
the work of the Health of Towns Association, formed in 1844 and a key advocate
of environmental public health reform in Victorian Britain. It aims to examine
how the health of towns has been seen within public health from the nineteenth
century to the present day. Conference sessions will explore : urban sanitary
reform in the mid 19th century; the work of the early Medical Officers of
Health; municipal medicine and town planning in the early 20th century; urban
public health under the National Health Service. Speakers include Chris Hamlin,
Bill Luckin, Susan McLaurin and David Smith, Tim Boon and John Ashton. For
full details and registration form, please go to the conference website at
- Papers are invited for two conferences to be held in 2005 at Manchester
Centre for Regional History: 'The greatest mere village in England': Networks,
religion and politics in early modern Manchester (Saturday 2 April ) and
'Elizabeth Gaskell and Manchester: Identity, culture and the modern city'
(19-21 July).
- London College of Fashion, Royal Holloway, and the Victoria & Albert
Museum, in association with the Museum of London, are organising a major international
conference on 'Fashion's World Cities' (Friday 29th-Saturday 30th April
2005). It coincides with 'The London Look: Fashion from Street to Catwalk'
exhibition at the Museum of London from 29 October 2004 to 8 May 2005 and
will address the connections between fashion cultures and the modern metropolis.
The conference will be held at London College of Fashion, 20 John Princes
Street, London W1G 0BJ (29 April) and Museum of London, London Wall, London
EC2Y 5HN (30 April). For further information, the conference website is: www.fashion.arts.ac.uk/fashioncities.htm.
- Guildhall Library's current exhibition is Lords of All They Survey:
Estate Maps. The exhibition is open, free of charge, until 30 October
2004 (Monday-Saturday 9.30am to 5 pm) and features estate maps ranging from
the 16th to 19th centuries from Guildhall Library's collections. The Manuscripts
section of the Library holds the archives of numerous families, businesses,
ecclesiastical bodies, livery companies and other institutions based in the
City of London which owned far-flung estates in this country and beyond. In
the course of running those estates, maps were produced and often proudly
displayed as a symbol of a landowner's status, as well as an important part
of estate management. The maps give a fascinating picture of the English landscape
and its agriculture, and of London estates, in the early modern period. Whilst
the majority of the maps show estates in London and the south east of England,
they also include Knighton in Staffordshire and plantations on the Caribbean
island of St Kitts. Among the surveyors are the celebrated mapmakers Ralph
Treswell and Israel Amyce. A full colour illustrated catalogue is available
from Guildhall Library Bookshop.(http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/leisure_heritage/libraries_archives_museums_galleries/city_london_libraries/gh_lib_printroom_exhibition.htm)
- As part of the Archives Awareness Campaign, the Guildhall Library Manuscripts
Section is holding a series of free events from September to December.
The series aims to encourage the use of archives by family and local historians.
The talks will include the opportunity for attendees to see examples of manuscripts,
to combine a talk with a visit to a related City institution, or to tour behind
the scenes at Guildhall Library. These free events commence in the Guildhall
Library Theatre (Guildhall Library, Aldermanbury, London EC2P 2EJ) at 2p.m.
on: 14 September: Estate maps at Guildhall Library, Stacey Gee,
Assistant Archivist. (45 minutes); 12 October: The records of St
Pauls Cathedral and the Diocese of London, Stephen Freeth, Keeper
of Manuscripts, followed by a visit to St Pauls Cathedral Library. (2hrs);
21 October: Behind the scenes tour of the Manuscripts Section store
and Conservation workshop. (1hr); 2 November: Using archives to
trace the history of a community: Stepney 1740-80, Derek Morris, Local
Historian. (45 minutes); 25 November: Behind the scenes tour of the
Manuscripts Section store and Conservation workshop. (1hr); 13 December:
Livery Company Records at Guildhall Library, Stephen Freeth, Keeper
of Manuscripts, followed by a visit to Goldsmiths Hall. (2hrs). Details:
- Guildhall Library Printed Books Section has arranged a series of
lunchtime talks (12.30-1.30 pm), providing the opportunity to talk to staff
and view materials. Upcoming dates are: Thursday 30 September Historic
trade directories - Exploring one of the countrys largest collections
of historical trade directories, dating back to the eighteenth century; Thursday
28 October Maritime history - Exploring the historic maritime
records of Lloyds of London held in Guildhall Library; Thursday 18
November London and Middlesex Criminals in the 17th-19th century
- Guiding the researcher through both the printed and original manuscript
records of the Old Bailey. Covering trials, juries, the Sessions House, Tyburn
and transportation; Thursday 16 December Researching site history
in London - Exploring the history of a site in the City of London through
printed, archival and visual sources. Sessions are held in Guildhall Librarys
lecture theatre and are free.
- The London Maze 2004 will be held at Guildhall Art Gallery (Guildhall
Yard, Off Gresham Street, London EC2P 2EJ) on Saturday 16 October 2004, 10am
- 4pm. As in previous years, the day will consist of a series of events aimed
at everyone with an interest in London's history. For the first time, the
CMH and London Record Society will be among the 50 stallholders from London's
museums, archives, local history libraries and historical societies. There
will be also be expert talks, guided walks, tours of Roman London's amphitheatre,
Renaissance dancing, and children's storytelling. Entry is free. Full details
and a timetable of events are available at: http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/leisure_heritage/libraries_archives_museums_galleries/london_maze/
- Black History Month is held in the UK every October and is a celebration
of the contribution made by black men and women to Britain's heritage. At
the time of writing, programmes have yet to be finalised for Black History
Month 2004, but two websites to keep an eye on for details of events over
the next few weeks are: the Black History Month website (www.black-history-month.co.uk)
and, specifically for London, the GLA site (www.london.gov.uk/mayor/bhm/index.jsp).
Many local libraries and museums will also be holding events.
- Irish History Online has been launched, joining the Royal Historical
Society and London's Past Online bibliographies. The new 14,000 records represent
the titles from Writings on Irish History for 1989 to 1998 which were not
already included in the RHS database; the records have been indexed using
the bibliographies' subject indexing scheme and each has been given an indication
of period covered. At the same time, the information about many of the titles
from the 1989-98 Writings on Irish History that were already in the Royal
Historical Society database has been improved by the Irish History Online
team. When you select the new Irish material only option on the Search menu
(http://www.rhs.ac.uk/bibl), you have
access to the new titles from Irish History Online and also to all the material
in the Royal Historical Society and London's Past Online databases that has
been identified as relating to Irish history, a total of nearly 33,000 titles.
The same data can also be searched from a dedicated search menu (http://www.rhs.ac.uk/bibl/ireland.asp).
- Rural and Urban Encounters in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century
contains seven essays by leading regional historians, originally presented
at the 2002 C.O.R.A.L. conference on rural life. Copies are available from
Manchester Centre for Regional History, Manchester Metropolitan University,
The Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond Street West, Off Oxford Road, Manchester
M5 6LL.
If you have any comments about this newsletter, please email:
The information in this newsletter is provided in good faith, however the Centre
for Metropolitan History cannot guarantee
the accuracy of the information and accepts no responsibility for any error
or misrepresentation.
Centre for Metropolitan History
Institute of Historical Research
(School of Advanced Study, University of London)
Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU
website: http://www.history.ac.uk/cmh