This is an admirable feat of constructive
compression. It achieves synthesis without sacrificing clarity,
a feature that has become one of the author's hallmarks. What makes
this book the more impressive is that within small confines it argues
so effectively against reductionism in the study of national identity.
To begin with one of Fulbrook's conclusions, we see that, contrary
to the beliefs of Germanophobes on the terraces in international
football matches and in Westminster, the German nationalism(s) of
today are as much shaped by unification as vice versa. National
identity, it follows from this collection of diverse thematic and
case studies, may not therefore be considered static, and it is
certainly not monolithic. Rather it evolves along a multitude of
trajectories, and is more the collective product of smaller, sometimes
amorphous communities than of the simple dichotomies particularly
the east-west one with which readers will be best acquainted
that have all too frequently been presented to us.
For a start it is good to read someone taking the GDR 'seriously'.
This has happened too rarely since 1989, with its comfortable western
assumptions about final victory in the ideological war with communism.
Fulbrook's expertise in east German history means that she is capable
of studying both sides of the divide with equal precision, and thus
she does not settle for what is effectively criticism of the east
and admiration of the west, or for the equation of 'objectivity'
and liberalism which is often inherent to that position. The advantage
German National Identity after the Holocaust has, for instance,
over the work of Jeffrey Herf (Divided Memory: the Nazi Past
in the Two Germanies (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1997)) is its greater attention to detail and history from
below. As well as the pronouncements of German elites, non-official
voices are listened to extensively here, if always with Fulbrook's
caveats about the impossibility of garnering those elusive 'private'
thoughts for which social historians long.
Clearly the process of picking and choosing from the past was
heavily manifest in the early years of the GDR, with the emphasis
on non-Jewish, non-homosexual victims, and particularly on the communist
elements of the opposition to Nazism, beyond all proportion to the
actual scale of that resistance. Conversely, the 'sandwich principle'
employed by some of the more courageous eastern historians ensured
that beneath the Marxist gloss their works contained much that would
be considered respectable beyond the iron curtain. As for the Federal
Republic, while the official line has long been one of contrition,
its citizens were happy to glean the message of general innocence
in the crimes of Nazism from the elite-centred Nuremberg trials
in the nineteen-forties and -fifties, and some of its finest scholars
were prepared to swallow Helmut Kohl's agenda of drawing a 'final
line' (Schlußstrich) under the German past in the
One phenomenon which Fulbrook touches upon is worthy of greater
enquiry. She repeatedly and correctly mentions that the fate of
the Roma and Sinti has for the most part been ignored everywhere.
This is even more true of the largest single category of victims
of Nazism outside direct military combat: non-Jewish Soviet citizens.
The three million-plus POWs murdered outright or indirectly, and
the millions of civilians who died as a result of bombardment, starvation,
'anti-partisan' and 'pacification' actions are almost never mentioned
in public mantras of remembrance, right down to the multinational
conference on Holocaust memorialisation in Stockholm at the beginning
of 2000. For obvious reasons the Jewish fate has assumed centrality
in the memory of Nazi crimes, but when so many deaths are ignored,
the question arises with repercussions for the development
of German identity 'after the Holocaust' as to what extent
the focus upon that genocide as a totemic moral reference point
has created blinkers to other crimes against humanity. (The institution
of a Holocaust memorial day in Britain appears set fair to blind
participants to the other murders of the Nazis and to the genocides
committed elsewhere throughout the twentieth century.) Insofar as
the past was reshaped on both sides of the iron curtain, however,
this is yet one more illustration that the use of 'history' in 'democratic'
and authoritarian regimes respectively is to be differentiated more
in terms of degree than of nature. Fulbrook strongly reinforces
that point.
As is inevitably the case in a work of this scholarly scope but
of such comparatively diminutive physical dimensions, however, there
are episodes which individual readers will deem worthy of more attention,
particularly if, as the book's billing informs us, it is to be of
widespread use to postgraduates and established scholars as well
as members of the public and advanced undergraduates. For instance,
the very brief subsection 'contested cultural representations' (pp.
75-77) only really considers Rolf Hochhuth's Der Stellvertreter
('The Deputy / Representative') as contrasted over one paragraph
with Peter Weiss's Die Ermittlung ('The Investigation').
These have both been examined much more extensively elsewhere, and
the rich vein of which they are only a small part is scarcely tapped
It is also noteworthy that the Ulm Einsatzgruppen trial
of 1958 was not the first legal accounting with the actions of those
killing squads, as the author avers (p. 69). One of the earliest
war crimes trials of the Second World War, conducted by the Soviet
Government at Kharkov in the Ukraine in 1943, also concerned mobile
police units and local collaborators. More relevantly, one of the
trials conducted at Nuremberg under American auspices subsequent
to the better-known trial of Göring et al. was exclusively
devoted to the Einsatzgruppen. During the war, and therefore
in its immediate aftermath at least, more was probably known in
Germany about the shooting massacres of the SS and police than about
the extermination camps. The greater numbers and diversity of people
including soldiers of the Wehrmacht directly associated
with these crimes than those of the eastern camps might be one of
the several reasons why the former have been submerged and the latter
promoted in the 'memory' of genocide.
Indeed, a book concerned as this is with 'landscapes of memory'
(the title of Chapter 2) would certainly have benefited from consideration
of that roving feature of the German landscape for the past few
years, the exhibition 'Vernichtungskrieg: Verbrechen der Wehrmacht
1941 bis 1944' ('War of annihilation: crimes of the Wehrmacht
1941 to 1944'). However, the exhibition receives only cursory mention
(p. 230) in the closing lines of the penultimate chapter. This is
arguably the most important of the many modern German museums and
memorial centres concerning Nazism and its crimes because more than
any other didactic device it challenges notions of the breadth of
participation in mass murder. And participation, in this case, implicated
not just out-and-out Nazis, or the SS, but also one of the pillars
of pre-Nazi German society. The reactions to the exhibition
the usual liberal hand-wringing and self-abasement (often sterile
and predictably present at every periodic 'rediscovery' of a different
element of Nazi-German criminality), but accompanied across a spectrum
incorporating condemnations and vehement criticisms from ex-servicemen,
and even terrorist action would both have complemented one
of Fulbrook's ongoing themes about the accepted locus of guilt in
German society, and problematised further any assumption that Germany
has fully 'come to terms' with the Nazi period.
Further to the point about omissions, key publications and decisions
on the Berlin Holocaust memorial presumably materialised too late
for incorporation into this volume, for the shape the project has
finally assumed - incorporating plans for a vast library on the
crimes of the Hitlerzeit - would to an extent nullify,
in this particular case, Fulbrook's criticisms of an obsessive 'memorial
culture' less concerned with questions of 'sober pedagogy'. (We
might also consider here the fact that much of the most penetrating
recent research on Nazi 'Vernichtungspolitik' is being
conducted by non-Jewish German scholars.) The debates around the
focus of the memorial whether it should concern the perpetrating
society or the victims would also have provided an interesting
counterpoint to the author's earlier discussion (pp. 40-41) of concentration
camps as lieux de mémoire.
On a more general plane, although in the main the author's observations
of dissonance are very well employed, there is an argument for allowing
some generalisations about the related processes of memory and identity
formation. It may be the case, as the aforementioned Jeffrey Herf
has argued, that the Holocaust provided no useful grounding for
what have elsewhere been called 'foundation myths' of the post-war
world; and thus that the worst parts of the Hitlerzeit
would have been elided anyway, regardless of the precise, diverse
courses of developments on the micro level.
Similarly, we must not downplay the function fulfilled by political
elites in successfully shaping and legitimating particular interpretations
of the past. The work of Norbert Frei (Vergangenheitspolitik:
Die NS-Vergangenheit und die Anfänge der Bundesrepublik
(Munich: CH Beck-Verlag, 1996)), and Frank Buscher (The US War
Crimes Program in Germany (New York: Greenwood Press, 1989))
illustrate the key role of CDU politicians, representatives
of the military and the German churches in the nineteen-fifties
in pressing for that most crassly-labelled of all political aspirations
in the FRG, the 'final solution of the war criminals question',
when, in the first instance at least, the general public was not
overly concerned about the issue. Meanwhile, Robert Moeller (in
his War Stories: the Search for a Usable Past in the Federal
Republic of Germany (Berkeley: University of California Press,
2001)) has shown how adept Adenauer's government was in anticipating
and exploiting concerns about German victims of the war: turning
the focus on the 'Volksdeutsch' expellees from eastern
Europe, and prisoners-of-war still incarcerated in the USSR, not
to mention the rapes perpetrated by Soviet forces in 1945, provided
a counterpoint of German suffering and perhaps a spurious equation
of victimhoods with Jews, while bolstering anti-communism. This
agenda also anticipated some of Andreas Hilgrüber's meta-contentions
in the Historikerstreit arguments of a later decade, and
while citing it is not to denigrate the very real suffering involved,
or to suggest that communities were not themselves actively mourning
their own fate, it is to observe that elites did have the power
markedly to alter the context in which grieving took place, and
the larger meaning attached to it. It is a fact, after all, that
Armistice Day assumes a bigger role than ever in the public consciousness
in Britain today as a result of the successful campaigning of the
British Legion.
Fulbrook, as is her prerogative, is not, though, prepared to admit
what she calls a 'postmodernist view' of history (p. 104). Nevertheless,
she is admirably and cogently 'deconstructionist' in her dismantling
of metanarratives of political development and public consciousness
of the Nazi past. It is perhaps the chief strength of the book that
she attacks the generalisations that were for so long de rigeur
in examinations of national development - it is by no means to subscribe
to the Sonderweg theory, though, to state that Germany's
path through the twentieth century has been sufficiently singular
to make it an ideal study for the debunking of any quasi-universal
explanation. (And the opening essay 'National identity and German
history' could stand alone as an introductory survey and critique
of the major trends in intellectual thought on nationalism.) The
idea of the 'imagined' community, which has for some time been at
the centre of sociological thought on nationalisms and nationhood,
is here applied and modified without the homogenising effect that
the approach can elicit. Thus, along with the breadth and intertextuality
of her work landscape is examined alongside historiography,
ritual presented with opinion poll and individual recollection juxtaposed
with high-political pronouncement Fulbrook creates a remarkably
variegated picture of the meanings and uses of the past over time
and between individuals, groups, regions and regimes.
It is refreshing to read a work of the survey type which is honest enough
to have as its central message 'this is complicated', rather than
'here is the answer'. Fulbrook's work is the more valuable for that.
The benefit that will be accrued by reading this book vastly outweighs
the limitations that size has imposed upon it. Moreover, the slight
haziness as to its target audience does not stretch to one group:
time-pressed young lecturers such as this reviewer will gladly reach
for German National Identity after the Holocaust. It is an
insightful yet concise survey of the key areas of enquiry in this
ever-more popular field, and its bibliographical references make
it an ideal point of departure for further study.