Metropolitan History

Archived podcasts from the IHR's Metropolitan History seminar series
7 Nov 2012
Sanctifying the street: urban space, material religion and the G.F. Watts mosaic 'Time, Death and Judgement' in London, c.1880-1970
Lucie Matthews-Jones (Liverpool John Moores)
10 Oct 2012
A history of urban space: changing concepts of space in the study of the early modern metropolis
Stuart Minson (Oxford)
14 Mar 2012
A neighbourhood of this sort. How Southwark shaped ideas of child and school: Orange Street Elementary, 1870-1914
Imogen Lee (Goldsmiths)
29 Feb 2012
The prevention of crime in late eighteenth-century Bristol: policing, the public, and the city
Matthew Neale (IHR)
1 Feb 2012
Flaring Lights and Urgent Cries: London street markets c.1850-1939
Victoria Kelley (University for the Creative Arts)
18 Jan 2012
Running the River Thames: oral history and the environmental governance of the Thames, 1960-2010
Vanessa Taylor (Greenwich)
23 Nov 2011
Urbanizing China in war and peace, Wuxi 1911-1945
Toby Lincoln (Centre for Urban History, Leicester)
9 Nov 2011
Cultures of giving and charity: the Clothworkers Company in early modern London
Annaleigh Margey (Maynooth)
26 Oct 2011
Worse than Cimmerian Darkness: fog and the representation of Victorian London
Joseph de Sapio (Oxford)
12 Oct 2011
The Survey of London: methods and sources for recording the development of London's fabric
Peter Guillery and Philip Temple (Survey of London, English Heritage)
16 Feb 2011
Sites of knowledge and instruction: London's museum environments and civic identity 1851-1914
Joanna Marchant (CMH/IHR)
19 Jan 2011
Under Metropolis: exploring the cultural history of Buenos Aires underground railways (c.1886-1945)
Dhan Singh (CMH/IHR)
8 Dec 2010
Faith in the antebellum urban order: religion and the making of early nineteenth-century New York City
Kyle Roberts (QMUL)
26 Oct 2010
The Constable and the Crowd. Policing Public Behaviour in Late-Victorian London
Peter Andersson (Lund/CMH)