Podcasts presented in 2012
6 Jul 2012
Policy Forum: The Classics Now
Miles Taylor (IHR); Jeannie Cohen (Classics for all); Julia Wilkinson (Cambridge School Classics Project); Tanya Moodie (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art); Carol Cragoe (Independent architectural advisor)
3 Jul 2012
'The necessity of clear expression' home-grown writing, organisational learning and the library staff magazine in Britain in the first half of the twentieth century
Professor Alistair Black (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
25 Jun 2012
Boom and Bust: The Edwardian Roller Skating Boom, 1908-1912
Sean Creighton (Independent historian; Editor of 'History & Social Action Publications')
25 Jun 2012
"Head of Our Morality": why the twentieth-century British monarchy matters
Dr. David Starkey
21 Jun 2012
1. Histore Digital Tools: Introduction to the Project
Jonathan Blaney (IHR) and Dr Matt Phillpott (IHR)
20 Jun 2012
From necessary leisure to moral prophylaxis: death of the suburban garden
Franklin Ginn (University of Edinburgh)
18 Jun 2012
Saving Aboriginal Children: Save the Children Aboriginal Preschools, white volunteers and the rural colour bar
Dr Jennifer Jones (La Trobe University, Australia)
28 May 2012
Following the Urban Alchemist: The Tour Guide and the History of London
Geoffrey Levett (Birkbeck, University of London)
14 May 2012
Ailsa Craig and the Leisure Industry on the Firth of Clyde, c. 1800-2010
Dr Matthew McDowell (University of Glasgow)
9 May 2012
Gardening and photography in the making of the lower middle-class home in Britain, 1880-1914
Rebecca Preston (Royal Holloway, University of London)
8 May 2012
From Cradle to Antipodean Grave: Reconstructing 19th Century Criminal Lives
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart (Tasmania)
3 May 2012
The Rural War: Captain Swing and the Politics of Protest
Carl Griffin (Queen's University, Belfast)
5 Apr 2012
William Thomas Stead et le Titanic, ou la fin des utopies
Jean-Claude Sergeant (émérite Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
27 Mar 2012
The Historical Geography of Philanthropy in England and Wales
Professor Nigel Goose (University of Hertfordshire)
21 Mar 2012
'Love, bitter wrong, freedom, sad pity, and lust of power': Politics and Performance in 1820
Malcolm Chase (University of Leeds)
20 Mar 2012
The Future of the Past roundtable
Melissa Terras (UCL); Adam Farquhar (British Library); Torsten Reimer (JISC) and others
19 Mar 2012
Sport's Role in 1951's Festival of Britain
Iain Wilton (Queen Mary, University of London)
14 Mar 2012
A neighbourhood of this sort. How Southwark shaped ideas of child and school: Orange Street Elementary, 1870-1914
Imogen Lee (Goldsmiths)