CMH Research projects
Life in the suburbs: health, domesticity and status in early modern London
This project investigates the character and development of London’s eastern suburb by examining the life of the inhabitants of the extra-mural parishes of St Botolph Aldgate and Holy Trinity Minories from c.1550-c.1700.
Records of London's Livery Companies Online: Apprentices and Freemen 1400-1900 (ROLLCO)
ROLLCO is a collaboration between a number of London’s Livery Companies and the Centre of Metropolitan History/Institute of Historical Research.
London and the tidal Thames 1250-1550: marine flooding, embankment and economic change
The lands bordering the tidal river Thames and the Thames Estuary have historically been highly vulnerable to marine flooding.
Locating London's past: a geo-referencing tool for mapping historical and archaeological evidence, 1660-1800
Locating London´s Past has created an intuitive GIS interface that enables researchers to map and visualize textual and artefactual data relating to seventeenth and eighteenth-century London against a fully rasterised version of John Rocque´s 1746 map of London and the first accurate
London and Middlesex Hearth Tax (1666): an analysis of the status and wealth of neighbourhoods and households on the eve of the Great Fire
The Hearth Tax was a national tax first granted by Parliament in 1662 to support the government of the restored Stuart Monarchy.
People, property and charity: the Clothworkers' Company 1500-1750
Begun in October 2010, the ‘People, Property and Charity: the Clothworkers’ Company 1500-1750’ project, provides the first detailed history of the benefactors, property acquisitions and other bequests of the Clothworkers’ Company in the City of London during the late medie
People in Place: families, households and housing in early modern London, 1550-1720
The project was a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London; the Centre for Metropolitan History, Institute of Historical Research, University of London; and the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, University of Cambridge.
Social and economic study of medieval London, c.1100-1666
This project, since 1979 administered by the Institute of Historical Research and accommodated by the Museum of London between 1979 and 1988, is now one of the activities of the Centre. It is concerned with the development of the City of London up to the Great Fire of 1666.
St Paul's history 604-2004
This project produced a comprehensive new history of St Paul's Cathedral, published in celebration of its 1400th anniversary in 2004.
The textile marketing district of the city of London, c.1780-1914
This is one of a series of studies of the specialised business districts which emerged within the City of London during the nineteenth century.